

Hey, I’m Regan – an outdoor enthusiast living in the beautiful Bow Valley! I have always been eager to make the most of nature’s playground, mainly through hiking, skiing, and camping, and feel lucky to now be doing so in one of the most beautiful places on this planet. I believe that the Canadian Rockies have something to offer everyone, and I want to do my part in helping you explore the area and all its beauty! Follow my adventures: @regan.mahoney

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  1. Having been to the Rockies five times, we’re going for our first winter experience. While I’ve been dog sledding in Alaska, I like the fact I don’t need to pay for an expensive helicopter to reach the snow and ice. USD 550 Vs. CAD 240, it’s a no-brainer to go dog sledding in my own country. Do the runs still go if it’s snowing a blizzard?

    1. Yes, the only reason they would likely cancel is if the risk of avalanche is too high. Tours are around the Spray lakes, and the Smith Dorrien road does close when the avalanche risk is high until they can get a helicopter up to bomb potential slide paths. This happens a handful of times a year, but not too often.